The idea that Biden is going to govern from the center would be hilarious and pathetic if it wasn’t so dangerous. But the emperors wear less clothes in front the more people than ever before and the old world is still melting down no matter how they try to hold on.
“Center?” What does that even mean these days? I’ll tell you: it means the useful idiots go back to shilling oligarch-friendly policies. It means deep corruption is covered over with the rhetoric of polite company. It means using the buzzwords to say nothing while keeping power.
It means Rs go back to being the controlled opposition, trotted out every so often to put on a democratic show, like good little kept pets. It means the radical left is kept around like a junkyard dog to terrorize people, but via tacit approval and back channel negotiation.
It means that CIA, FBi, etc. go back to work in the service of the only party that matters, and all that has been uncovered is locked up again behind midwit talking heads. It means anyone who actually opposes the reality of the deep state will be ostracized if not defenestrated.
It means accepting all BS assumptions of the empty camouflage rhetoric of the past: above all, trusting the experts. It means clinging to deep rooted denial about reality/America as it is. The “center” is now either blind and/or terrified of our overlords. Opposite of leadership.
It won’t work, of course. For a variety of reasons, at root of which is a fundamental dishonesty and unwillingness to match meaning to reality. It’s all a fantasy now. A nostalgia play. A desperation play. Back to slow rot won’t help when the rot has already set in.
The problem is that all of this, much like the pseudo-prudence of Chief Justice John Roberta, is gonna make the path forward far rockier and unstable than necessary. It will accelerate what these clowns call the “extremes.” Governing “from the center” means hastening collapse.
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