There's still plenty of debate, skepticism, and misunderstanding regarding Bitcoin, which is healthy.

Some institutions are allocating to it, while others move more slowly or avoid it, so there's not a mad-FOMO-rush all at once. There's a wall of worry to climb.
Fidelity has been on board for years, and now they have an institutional-grade custody service to absorb institutional allocations.

Singapore's largest bank is setting up a digital asset exchange for institutional and accredited investors.
With each supply cycle and adoption cycle, Bitcoin gets a little bit de-risked.

Over time, Bitcoin develops more of a price history, grows a stronger surrounding ecosystem of hardware and software, builds more institutional on-ramps, and survives fork wars and altcoin seasons.
In the early days, mostly just cypherpunks, visionaries, and speculators bought in.

But as developers continued to work on it, build better UX, and add additional layers, while also moving slowly and cautiously to avoid catastrophic missteps, it became more tech-accessible.
So, it is in a position today where retail investors and institutional investors can more easily allocate to it, both in terms of investment justification and in terms of tech-accessibility or UX.

That's why I've been bullish since April 2020. So much human capital in Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is not without risk, but like anything else, its potential upside must be compared to the risks that can disrupt it.

As investors look into it, they can decide for themselves how the fundamentals look, and what role it can serve in their own financial situation.
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