So these are going to be my last tweets of the year. I’ve been thinking: The reason why we come here to criticize gvt policies on a daily basis is not because we want to revolt against gvt but because this is a platform we hope to engage with those in power so that they can 1/
Incorporate our ideas into decision making. The liberation generation has sadly held onto to chinhu chedu at any cost to such an extent that it has alienated the youths. The ‘Born Free’ generation has concluded that there’s nothing in it for them and as such view the liberation2/
Generation with suspicion and scorn. The gains of the liberation struggles are looked down upon and ridiculed as people vow to free themselves for real some day. There’s polarity of views. 2017 presented an opportunity for @edmnangagwa to unite the country not only across party3/
Lines but also across generational lines. There’s an inter generational war going on which would not have taken place had the leadership incorporated young minds into its leadership structures. The failure to do so has proven costly to the ruling party,there cannot be new ideas4/
Without new people to bring in those ideas. 2ndly there’s no monopoly of ideas and as such the chinhu chedu mentality is also costly to the extent that one may never benefit from the ideas of those that are excluded. Sadly the ruling party believes that it has the monopoly of 5/
Ideas and has been on a rampage to silent divergent voices. There’s strength in diversity as it results in the emergence of plurality of ideas. I said it here that I was saddened to see the Cabinet Matrix what what, the Minister of SMEs presenting on the National Fabric! 6/
I said it then and I say it now that the Minister of SMEs should much rather be focused on stimulating the growth of SMEs and creating conducive conditions for them to thrive seeing that more than 70% of the population is informally employed. How we turn these micro and small 7/
Businesses into Medium to Large Scale Operators should be the main focus of the Minister of SMEs and not some fabric! The issue of National Identity through dressing can be dealt with after bread and butter issues. It has been shown that SMEs are the backbone of economic growth8/
In emerging economies. What we need to do is to emulate those economies where this has already been done and adapt it to our situation so as to aim for economic growth. Fabrics are a non issue for a country in an economic situation such as hours. We have endured one economic 9/
Crisis after another &yet we have time to major on the minors. We need to focus on bread &butter issues, rectifying the economy, rewarding innovation as opposed to arbitrage & developmental issues. Tikadaro tinokunda. Happy holidays #AspiringDictator
You can follow @JaqueSand.
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