I'm very pleased and proud to have led a great UK team to secure today's excellent deal with the EU.

Both sides worked tirelessly day after day in challenging conditions to get the biggest & broadest trade deal in the world, in record time.

Thank you all who made it happen.
Today's agreement does more than just deliver a zero tariffs deal. It covers areas such as services, aviation, road transport, social security, health, fisheries, and, crucially, law enforcement. And it allows us to participate in the Horizon scientific research programme.
It also restores Britain's sovereignty in full. EU law ceases to apply; the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice ends; there is no alignment with EU rules; and our Parliament sets all laws for our country once again.
Our country begins a new journey as a fully independent country once again on 1 January. Our future and our prosperity are in our hands. I am confident we will thrive and succeed.
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