1) GNOSIS TIME!!! Why do you suppose that Army Men and Dinosaurs were PUSHED upon WE THE PEOPLE especially beginning in the 70's of my childhood?
The subtle intentions are so OPAQUE that only when you're AWARE/AWAKE can you CLEARLY see the "mind F***!"
2) You may "think" what I AM about to share is BATSHIT CRAZY...but I will say meditate and KNOW!
These "toys" are PROGRAMMING children for the WARS THEY'LL FIGHT AS ADULTS!!!
Sound crazy? I agree! Yet... #TruthStrangerThanFiction
Notice the little girl's "colors?"
3) Here's something the Dark Actors know. That ALL MANKIND create their own REALITY TUNNEL! And that tunnel BLENDS with others in their immediate area rippling out to ALL! And all Mankind's reality tunnels MESH to create our Planetary Reality. Sound crazy yet? haha
4) With respect to reality tunnels as mentioned above, IMAGINATION of Mankind COLLECTIVELY Creates and CONTINUES the Whole of Creation. As each Mankind is Prime Creator/Source as a fractal of Divine Light...or the SPARK!!!
5) Now to the dinosaur Bovine Feces.
First, remember pic1?
There have been "dino" species that existed but NOTHING like we've been programmed to beLIEve. The "dinos" in museums? Brace yourself...are 99.99% FABRICATIONS!
And the 0.01 possibility?
6) Scientists would find a bone of a Hominid Being and use that bone to reconstruct a FAKE ARSE "DINOSAUR"!
Think about that? A human type being with a bone that would make [them] construct a GIANT LIZARD type "animal?"
Uh, there have been hominids on Earth over a MILE TALL!!!
7) Toys, games, all things manufactured by [them] have MANY levels of "mind control" attached.
I challenge you to look around your own little world and SEE WITH NEW EYES! The Dark Intent of the items you've been TRAINED TO USE DAILY!
How do you stop its power?
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