Just saw the video of that white dude getting the starch slapped out of him with a tall boy of twisted tea. And while the slap was satisfying, I think it's worth discussing how damaging the violence here is; to the Black man, not against the white dude. Fuck that guy.
I've been in this situation multiple times. When a white person is being racist, wildly and just begging to get knocked out.
When that happens, things start happening in side you. You get tense. Teeth start to grind. Your HPA axis starts to work.
In short, the HPA axis is a complex set of endocrine reactions that control stress responses amongst other things. Not going to get too deep into it, but it's the chemical manifestations of stress.

I'm not an endocrinologist and don't want to get the exact terminology wrong, but in short persistent and constant exposure to racist intimidation, discrimination and violence leaves Black people, on average, with a reduced stress-control response than whites.
So if that were me, I'd start getting stressed from the moment that interaction started, escalating to the slap. Now while you think that beat down might have alleviated some of the stress. It doesn't. In fact things can get worse.
You can feel a flood of emotions very few of them good, nausea, embarrassment, anger, fear, anxiety, depression and sadness.

Beating down a racist should feel good. It doesn't. It feels cold and numb.
And leaving the situation can feel worse. You'll feel disempowered, vulnerable, angry and sometimes regret it for the rest of your life. There is no winning.
The white person enters into that conflict already winning. He's got you. Whatever he does, he's controlled you. Either he's humbled you, or proven your inferiority by provoking a violent response. He's proved you're a n****r.
Policing isn't just a function of cops. It's a function of whiteness that seeks to deny Black participation in all parts of white American society.
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