“Qutub Minar was built by Hindus,If Ms built it,why don’t they have such grand structures in Central Asia,the place they have come from”

Argument of sanghi not knowing that 60 such minarets were already there across C.A even before Q.M

Few Examples👇

(Minaret of Jam,Afg-1175)
Kalyan Minaret,Uzbekistan built 1127 much before Qutub Minar
Kutlug Timur Minar, Turkmenistan built 1011
Khosrogerd Minar,Iran built 1112
Minaret of Vobkent, Uzbekistan built 1196
Al Minarat al malwiyyah,Samarra Iraq built 848
Sarban Minaret, Seljuk times, Isafahan Iran built in 11th Century
Ziyar Minaret, Iran 11th Century
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