I usually never call people out but this one warrants discussion. Bold prediction > Grift > Repackage when things don’t pan out. I won’t get into the mechanics of the “PenceCard” thing right now, but taking advantage of people’s emotions like this is whole other level of low.
In the last 45 days or so, the first time we heard about this “23rd deadline” was a few days ago. Why is that? I’m not a lawyer or a politician so maybe there is a rule, but why has no one else talked about this? The only date that matters right now is 1/6 (1/20 via the Const.).
Yes the President RTd it and other discussed it. That’s not my problem. My problem is the grift right in the middle. If you’re cool with that, fine. I hope you donated, but I just don’t like seeing people taken for a ride, asked for money, and then told “we’ll get em next time!”
I have no issue whatsoever with analysis of current events, reading policies, making interpretations even predictions, etc. I do it all the time. But I also have the caveat attached that it’s my own theory and perspective and I’m not asking people to give me money for it.
I feel like every other day we are learning about some new “breakthrough.” Ie the Texas case, or this pence thing. And then people are taken for a ride and then left emotionally drained. We are the news now and we have a responsibility to explain the current events as they are.
And they are simply pieces to the puzzle. Not one thing is going to be the magic prescription. That only comes from the Constitution and the next big event for the Constitution is the 6th of January. That’s it.
I’ll end with this. If he didn’t ask for money, I wouldn’t have written this. We are all trying to make sense of these events. Predictions and analysis are fine. That’s not my issue (even though I personally disagreed with the substance). Now is not the time to ask for money IMO.
Slight clarification on my tweet here. The Constitution is the remedy. It has to be. However, our country was attacked my foreign and domestic enemies. The only remedy there is the military. https://twitter.com/anonpatriotq/status/1342105358647615488
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