Much to say about yesterday’s pardons and commutations. Before getting to the updated chart, some general reflections.
Trump has upended the traditional criteria for clemency: The traditional guiding principle: “a pardon is granted on the basis of the petitioner's demonstrated good conduct for a substantial period of time after conviction and service of sentence.”
Request for pardon presumptively must wait 5 years after conviction or release. Traditional criteria include superlative post-conviction conduct & character; acceptance of responsibility & remorse; and hesitation to pardon serious offenses (violent crime, white collar fraud, etc)
V few of Trump’s clemency decisions meet these criteria. His pardons usually based on insider contacts, & are for v serious crimes that often dont satisfy 5-year rule, usually for people who do not express remorse. They almost always serve Trump’s personal or political interests.
The pardon power perfectly marries Trump’s privatization of the presidency to serve his personal interests with his love of exercising hard unilateral presidential powers in ways that make his enemies heads explode.
Now for updated chart in light of yesterday’s events. Some of these pardons were unusually tricky judgment calls based on incomplete and mixed evidence. We lay out the “evidence” in table below. Our best assessment of Trump’s pardons/commutations right now is as follows.
As best that we can tell (the data is obscure, we draw lots of inferences here), only 7/94 of Trump's pardons/commutations were recommended by the DOJ Pardon Attorney.

Thanks as always to @matthew_gluck for his work on the chart.

Let us know if we got anything wrong, please.
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