Since @Target store is private property, w/ security guards, loss prevention staff that regularly deal w/ LE & video surveillance, & these people marched throughout the store carrying signs protesting a mask mandate that were visible when they walked in, I HAVE QUESTIONS

🧵 1
1. Why were these people allowed to even enter the store?

Most large stores have staff standing at the entrances of the stores to greet, enforce mask policies or to check your receipts

How did they get by them?

2. If they were missed at the entrance, why were they not stopped & detained by as soon as it was clear?

Would a gang of hooligans marching thru the store physically started damaging property/assaulting employees & customers, would it have been allowed to go on?

Would @Target's loss prev/security staff have just watched this happen if their property was being damaged?

Would the managers of the store hesitated for 1 second about calling the PD if this was a protest against Target itself?

Would the Managers/Security just stand by & watch if a group came in & started assaulting one of their staff or a customer potentially killing them? Would they let it continue onto to more staff/customers?

That is what is happening here.

The fact that these people were allowed to proceed leads me to another set of questions.

Once it was clear what was happening, did @Target lock the front doors to prevent them front leaving while the PD or Health Dept was called so the contact tracing process could begin?

If Target did not want to call officials, did they do anything to obtain the contact info of these people who were clearly not in their store to shop?

Were the customers in the store stopped before leaving so their information could be obtained to aid in contact tracing?

Since @target failed to stop these people from traveling throughout the store, were the customers in the store offered Covid testing at their expense since it was that failure that exposed their paying customers to the virus?

Were the customers in the store asked to give their info so that @target could pay for any/all medical costs, lost pay etc that they (or the people that they come in contact w/ in the immediate future) may incur as a result of their failure to act?

What about @target employees? Was an internal incident report made documenting every employee so that they could be tested? Or have a record of the incident so that they can apply for workers comp if they do get sick?

This isn't just a cold/flu. Hospitalization/death isn't the only outcome of contracting Covid. Through no fault of their own, people can be put out of work for weeks/months while they recover. This is an on the job injury in this case since target didn't act quickly

Once all the employees/customers (& hopefully the protestors) were documented, did @Target immediately lock the store down for a thorough cleaning & sanitizing?

Covid is airborne & can live on surfaces for at least 36 hrs on hard surfaces.

Was everything in the store cleaned to prevent future customers from being infected by touching these items or purchasing them & taking them home potentially infecting those people as well?

Did @target allow those people to march through their store & potentially contaminate the store itself (floors, ceilings, fixtures etc) & every piece of merchandise in the store w/o shutting down immediately after to clean & protect their customers?

Why does @target feel that they bear no responsibility in enforcing the mask mandate or just a store policy regarding masks?

If someone gets injured in my property, the injured person or the insurance company can sue me to recoup the costs of dealing w/ that injury.

Why is @target any different from me when it comes to responsibility? The Target Corporation has been given the rights of a human being. Shouldn't they have to bear the responsibility just like any other person?

Lastly, given everything I just asked & predicated on the following: private property, access to security staff, video surveillance throughout the store alerting them to the issue, relationship w/ LE, responsibility for injuries occurring on their property,

& their failure to act, WHY ON EARTH should Corporate Liability Protections even be a consideration?

There were many instances that @target could act to protect those on their private property. If the chose not to, as it seems, why should they not be held liable?

If the virus is trashing their bottom line & tax payers are helping to offset their losses, why should @target not be obligated to act in a way that helps to slow the spread of the virus itself?

The make $ off the masks they sell.

🧵18 End
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