It’s going to be 60 degrees and rainy on Christmas Day in NYC. That means the Arctic is melting, forests are burning, mass extinction is underway & more pandemics will come too. Make your New Years resolution climate activism. Some suggestions:
4. Make activism a habit and part of routine. There are things you can do every week: call your electeds, phonebank, textbank, protest, do mutual aid. Make it sustainable and concrete.
5. Climate is a political problem and the only solution is a mass movement. But some personal things you can do that I think are good:
1. If you have $, get it out of chase, liberty mutual or blackrock.
2. Don’t fly
3. Use  as your search engine. It’s real! It plants trees & protects your privacy. I learned this from @ayanaeliza’s podcast
4. Don’t be a billionaire
5. Eat less 🐄
6. Understand there is no going back to normal. “Normal” was built on white supremacy and ecological collapse. We are living in a broken world. If you’re safe, financially secure and healthy you should try to help make it better.
7. Be ready to show up in 2021. This year is crucial. We need people in the streets consistently. Join a group and push the group to organize protests and strikes. If you’re part of a union, push your union to be part of the climate fight.
8. Also fight white supremacist fascism. At Facebook, at google, in the GOP Bc we can’t keep people safe from the climate crisis without democracy, and we can’t enact climate justice without democracy. We need to do both. Do it all.
I am tired and haven’t had coffee yet but I’m sure there are other things. What else?
Ok it seems this is going to be like a Hurricane with a flood warning not just a rainy Christmas. Jfc
It’s kinda funny when you consider the Fox News blowhards who claim there is a war on Christmas are part of the same group who have prevented climate action for decades and made 60 degree stormy days on Christmas possible
Whatever you do- focus on systems.
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