The man who helped run a shadow campaign for Ukraine's former president to jail that president's opponent is grateful for his pardon for tax crimes and bank fraud:
Prosecutor Greg Andres to jurors: “If you have any doubt that he’s guilty of bank fraud or conspiracy to commit bank fraud at the Federal Savings Bank, then all you need to remember is that he sent a fake profit and loss sheet to Federal Savings Bank.”
More than $20 million did Mr. Manafort hide. He received a slap on the wrists, barely served any jail time and was released early before being pardoned.

Kalief Browder was held at Rikers for 3 years WITHOUT A TRIAL on allegations he stole a backpack. Browder killed himself.
Since Paul Manafort was pardoned, I have decided to post a thread of my coverage of him in Virginia here, starting from the time Manafort was hit was his indictment to his pardon yesterday. It is not a comprehensive record of my coverage but near to it.
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