Modelling evidence (and experience from previous lockdown) suggests that restrictions will not bring R below 1 with the new strain unless we significantly reduce transmission from primary, secondary schools and universities. Outlined here: 1/N
Despite this, the government has outlined no plans to reduce transmission in schools. The 'mass testing plan' is largely focused on contacts of known cases, rather than actual mass testing of all students & staff to actively find and isolate new cases. 2/N
Still no plans for reduction in class sizes, masks, ventilation, or blended learning. We are going to keep seeing exponential rises unless we address school transmission. Why is the government so resistant to action?
We're almost at hospital capacity, with cases doubling in < a wk. Almost 80,000 deaths as per ONS data.

When will they act? The evidence is amply clear & has been for a while. Controlling transmission in schools is crucial to pandemic control. SAGE's own modelling supports this
Also want to add that while the increased transmissibility with the new strain has likely made the situation worse, global evidence from many contexts, including the UK show that schools have played an important role in transmission for a while, even before this variant emerged.
I'm glad this area is finally getting attention now, but still no excuse for government and scientific advisors to have minimised the role of children in transmission for months- their denial has contributed to where we are now.
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