What the govenment won't tell you is:

125,000 have been discharged from NHS England having had and survived covid.

And that at least 40% of those that died from potentially having covid, would have died anyway this year regardless.

And that of those that died of/with covid early many died through disease mismanagement by Hancock and Co. Care homes being one example.

And that 14,400 deaths not of covid were killed due to hancocks lockdowns in wave 1.

Weight it all up, think for yourselves!
Then you have the refusal of the government to publish testing centre data, the refusal to be transparent.

They are hiding key data from the public on where the infections actually occur.

Why hide the data if it supports the story they tell us.

Please, likes are very nice, but information sharing is the key to change. So please retweet, or copy and paste it on your own tweet or share on other platforms. Information is the battle ground. You are the army, make a difference please.
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