Why are you more likely to die of Covid-19 in the North as opposed to the South and London. A thread:
1. IPPR reported on the 8/12/2020 that since 2014 the Midlands and North have endured the biggest cuts to public health budgets in England.
2. Overall, England has seen a cut of £13.20 per person, whilst the Midlands experienced a cut of £16.70 per person, and the North £15.20 per person. Within this, the North East was worst affected with cuts of £23.24 per person.
3. The West Midlands, North East and North West, which saw the highest mortality rates in the first peak of Covid-19, are also among the worst affected areas by public health cuts.
4. Addressing health inequality between the North and the rest of England would be worth an additional £20bn GVA boost each year for the North alone -they were cut by £750 million across England between 2014/2015 and 2020/2021, with all regions affected.
5. Worryingly, IPPR and IPPR North found that those areas that saw the highest rates of mortality during the first wave of Covid-19 had also seen the biggest cuts to their public health budgets.
6. According to NHSA figures, in March-July 2020 57.7 more people per 100,000 died in the North of England of all causes including Covid-19 than across the country as a whole.
7. The evidence speaks for itself. In 4 years you’ll have a choice. Allow the status quo to continue or vote for a North that will care about you and your families health. I know what I’d pick.
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