"And now the Prime Minister is set to deliver a statement to the nation around 8am to announce the deal."

But the update was later than 8am! Still no statement from #BorisJohnson

#8 = H #HillaryClinton
European Commission spokesman Eric Mamer confirmed talks had also continued overnight via Twitter. #Brexit

Writing at midnight GMT, he said they would start again in the morning. #MidnightRiders #Comms #GMT Ground moving target #Military

⬇️ https://twitter.com/pick291/status/1341097086910140420?s=20
"MPs and lords are currently on recess, but can be recalled at 48 hours notice, by December 29 at the earliest."

Why 48 hours notice? They can do it in less time if needed!

#48 #Cue #Gematria #Comms

⬇️ https://twitter.com/pick291/status/1341746954938757120?s=20
"December 29 at the earliest" #Comms

#29 #Cue
Some things must remain classified to the very end.
The pedo networks are being dismantled.
We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil #Lucifer #Moloch #Babel #Madonna #Christmas
What the Bible says about Molech #Moloch

Ezekiel 20:23-26

Notice the emphasis on the personal pronoun "My." The source of the law or the values we submit to is the sovereign
#sovereignty #abortion #Brexit #SaveTheChildren #23Pain

#4910 #Cue

So many people refuse still to admit the EVILs in the world. They're going to need to see a lot more.

Freedom of information [truth] = END

#D5 #PresidentT #Hangings #Obama #HillaryClinton #Podesta #ChildMurderers
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