In the queue at butcher for turkey yesterday. Three folk behind me grumbling about masks and distancing and generally saying Covidiot type stuff but I keep my powder dry. Focus on the turkey John. It’s all about the turkey. Then one of them says the horror words...
‘He’s doing a good job, Boris.’
‘Yeah,’ another one says. ‘He’s doing his best.’
‘Labour wouldn’t have done better,’ says the third.
Stay strong John. None of your business.
And then the first lady says...
‘I mean, poor Boris, he’s wanted the job all his life...
So we're going in.
‘Excuse me’, I say. ‘Boris didn’t ‘get landed’ with Brexit.'
They look at me. ‘Sorry?’ The first woman says.
‘You can’t say he ‘got landed’ with Brexit. He was one of the leading lights of the Leave campaign. He did everything he could to get Brexit.'
‘Ok mate,’ the man says. ‘Calm down.’
‘I’m perfectly calm.’
‘Yeah,’ the woman says. ‘We’ve all got our own opinions.’ ‘But this isn’t an opinion. It’s a fact. Johnson did everything he could to get Brexit.’
‘You’ve got your opinion and I’ve got mine,’ she says again.
‘Once again,’ I say, having to control my temper now. ‘It’s not an ‘opinion’ that Johnson helped cause Brexit. You can’t feel sorry for him having to deal with the consequences of his own actions, can you? It’s like saying ‘poor Hitler had to deal with the consequences of WW 2.’
‘Oh he’s like Hitler now?’ The guy says. (At this point it starts to feel like being on Twitter.)
‘No, that’s not the point. I’m saying he got ‘landed’ with Brexit like Hitler got ‘landed’ with the invasion of Poland.’
‘All right, that’s your opin - ’
‘It's not 'my opinion!'’
I'm next into the butchers so I stomp off into the shop. As I pay and collect the bird, I can see the three of them through the glass, pointing in my direction and shaking their heads at the lefty lunatic.
It's difficult, sometimes. Being Scottish in the south east of England. Where people genuinely like Boris Fucking Johnson.
Anyway, peace and goodwill.
Except for those three. Fuck them.
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