Ravi is the reason for my theological shift.

However, I still remember when I first saw things about Ravi's sexual misconduct and how it was handled. The whole signing an NDA and all that. I didn't pay attention to it cos at the time, I wasn't in a space where I understood
how sexual assault affected victims.
It was a year later I think that I began to understand assault and its effects. Then when he died, I ran into a thread where people were talking about the things he had done & then there was link that had detailed accounts (can't find it now)
And I was sick to my stomach. Like, how did a man of this standing live this kind of double life? Talked with a friend at church about this thing again some weeks ago and we realised this spiritual hoops you have to jump to get to that point.
Ọmọ, young ministers need to be very very careful. You're never too old or too "mature" to fall into sexual sin and hurt people in and outside the faith.

It made me very very afraid (again)
Felt I needed to talk about this because I have a stance of "expose all sexual predators in the Church" and it would be hypocrisy for me to not talk about this now that it is very very public.
Finally and above all, victims of assault need to be taken a lot more seriously than we do currently.

We. Need. To. Listen.
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