How long before people wake up to the disaster that has befallen us? Let me count the days.
On 2nd day of Xmas Stephen Phipson of Make UK, representing manufacturers, said “it'd be stretching credibility 2 believe companies that export 100s of billions of £s of goods each year cd adapt to a fundamentally different trading model in 1 working week”
On 11th day of Christmas the FT said nearly €6bn of EU share dealing on 1st day of trading had shifted away from the City to the EU. Meanwhile some EU specialist online retailers ceased delivering to the UK because of tax changes.
On the 12th day of Christmas a Sainsbury's spokesperson said: "A small number of our products are temporarily unavailable for our customers in Northern Ireland while border arrangements are confirmed." A sign of things to come?
On the 9th day of #Brexit reports said London’s dominance as an investment-management hub is uncertain. The European Commission is studying whether to tighten rules over how EU–based funds delegate management of portfolios to investors outside the bloc.
On the 13th day of #Brexit DUP MP Ian Paisley told the Commons: "What did we do to members on those benches over there to be screwed over by this protocol? It's ruined trade in N Ireland & it's an insult to our intelligence to say it's a teething problem."
On the 15th day of #Brexit the Scottish Fishermen's Federation which campaigned to leave the EU said Scottish fishermen are sailing to Denmark to land catch as Brexit red tape delays exports. It also said the Brexit trade deal was the worst of both worlds.
On the 16th day of # #Brexit the BBC reported Irish hauliers are bypassing Welsh ports to avoid Brexit bureaucracy. One company tells of "teething problems" with new export rules; others warn of a longer-term shift by truck firms away from Welsh ports.
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