Actually a thing I'd really like to see left in 2020 is the assertion that support for independence massively correlates with Anglophobia
First of all, no it doesn't. Like 10% of the Scottish population is English and independence is quite a popular idea. Were this true, I really think we'd have noticed by now
Next is where """Anglophobia""" does happen, it doesn't involve real harm. Being English born in Scotland doesn't reduce your access to employment, government services, or make you more at risk of state violence
""""Sensible"""" types, you know like the former head of Better Together, @blairmcdougall, have created a situation where massive racists get to call other people racist because they're on the same side as Sean Clerkin
Basically I'd like unionist comrades to start telling melts like McDougall to shut the fuck up where this occurs. If you're serious about social justice, you won't let this stuff pass just because it's a useful weapon against tHe FoRcEs Of SePaRaTiSm
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