1/ If you are male or female and have gender dysphoria you are allowed to take hormones to make your body either more masculine or feminine to align with your "gender identity."

Question: Why is this only offered to people who want to appear as the *opposite* sex?

Continued ⬇️
2/ Suppose you are a skinny, very effeminate looking male. You identify as a man, but you aren't as masculine looking as you'd like to be. This is a source of much mental anguish for you. You feel as though you'd greatly benefit, psychologically, if you looked more "manly."
3/ Is this not also a form of gender dysphoria? On what basis do we not give this man prescription testosterone so that they can look even *more* masculine? Wouldn't denying this person testosterone to masculinize their body, while providing it to female patients to help...
4/ ...transform their body to appear more masculine be a form of sexist discrimination?

This was a shower thought I had today, but I honestly see no justification for denying the man T if he doesn't think he looks masculine enough if it's provided to females for that reason.
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