Carbohydrates necessary or not ?
Now a days we Indians get easily influneced by western propganda and see carbs as our enemy but from thousands of years we indians are eating cabs as our primary source of food without any problem
West does not have better source of carbs
But we have . Actually carbs are not problem only refined carbs &white sugar is problem and sadly we Indians had switched to these refined carbs & processed carbs from past few decades . Refined carbs cause random insulin spike in body and then suddenly isulin level goes down
This leads to many health problems such as bp problems , obesity , diabetes , fatty liver and many more.
Whereas complex carbs digests slowly and absolutely healthy and important for our energy needs.
White rice from rice mills & white sugar are two examples of unhealthy refined
Carbs which we Indians are consuming in a very large quanity .
100 years ago, we Indians did not even know about these things.
We used to eat jaggery and hand crushed rice , we did not even know about maida ( refined wheat flour ).
So avoid these type of refined carbs
Switch to healthy carbs options such as wheat , millets , hand crushed rice , jaggery etc.
Lets talk about these so called packaged breakfast food items such as kellogs , chocos , flavoured ots, packaged juice and many more these comapnies claim that their food items are rich in
Fibre and low in calories But the reality is that these packaged food items are full of simple carbs , sweetning agents and harmful preservatives so please avoid such kind of packaged food.
So choose wisely and don't avoid carbs . when you eat carbs your mind feel relaxed
And your body feel energised .
Hope you find it useful.
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