Apparently, the school reopening plan hinges on investing billions of federal dollars—at the urging of the lab lobby—to “reassure” teachers by forcing students and staff to test “at least” once per week...
And instead of investing billions in the education of the kids who have been left behind...

the ‘plan’ hands windfalls to testing companies under the veil of accommodating emotionally dysregulated adults who either don’t (or see no good reason to) understand relative risk.
Mental health professionals know we don’t cure phobias (irrational fears that interrupt normal functioning) by indulging them—so it’s pretty clear that’s not what this plan is really about...
And, unfortunately, these kind of performative restrictions will continue—as long as people allow them—because the “safety” rhetoric is an ideal covert vehicle for every opportunistic special interest to extort ‘investments’.
Notice it doesn’t say that they believe the testing will actually make schools safer...

It’s intended to make schools *feel* safer.

Important distinction.
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