Lots of stuff happening with server-rendering.

A thread 🧵
Original twitter announcement: https://twitter.com/reactjs/status/1341072021099327489
Great thread on what react's server components mean from @leeerob : https://twitter.com/leeerob/status/1341818949017735168
@kentcdodds pointed to @remix_run : https://twitter.com/kentcdodds/status/1341239903430963201
@remix_run is something to keep your eyes on in 2021. It's gotten a lot of well-deserved attention this year.
@dhh announced http://hotwire.dev  the very next day after the react-server components announcement: https://twitter.com/dhh/status/1341420143239450624
Hotwire is a framework around delivering HTML over the wire and splicing it into a page.

It's a general framework / JS library that works with any backend that can deliver HTML via HTTP or websockets.

There are some framework-specific approaches...
Not super well-known and hasn't gained a lot of popularity, but Derby.js has been in the server-rendering game for awhile: https://derbyjs.com/ 
I'm betting that stuff like the approach hotwire is taking and pioneered by some of these other frameworks will continue to gain steam in apps that don't need the complexity of an SPA.
Prediction: 2021 is going to be the year that server-rendering comes back into favor.
Aaand, if you made it this far, this is good for a chuckle: https://twitter.com/iamdevloper/status/1320140024906764289
You can follow @jones_spencera.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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