
1. Just remember we could now be facing a debt union & sharing €1.8 trillion of an EU bailout. So much for remain & reform!

Germany will sacrifice maybe 10% of its GDP to gain that bit more control over the other member states. Each Euro crisis = a power grab.
2. The FBPE mob seem to be stuck in 2016 & fail to acknowledge this direction of travel. All of the billions pumped into the newer member states whilst the wealthier countries decline because the economic stresses have proved too much.
3. The best one can hope for is to be a chosen metro: a city or two singled out for funding & raised high as a shining beacon of success, whilst the rest of the country is hidden behind a curtain of decline.
4. It's bad enough here in the UK, but the high youth unemployment & tumble weed towns on the continent tell a story of a project that hasn't succeeded in its objectives because there isn't enough wealth to distribute.
5. The regulatory framework may well make trade easier for some, but it also cripples innovation due to the red tape & associated costs. Even the most keen of Europhiles, Guy Verhofstadt, acknowledges this.
6. The much applauded freedom of movement isn't a freedom if one is compelled through economic necessity to up sticks & emigrate in search of work. It's no longer a freedom but a citizens of nowhere charter for exploitation.
7. No matter the outcome, I'm just glad we've left. I believe this particular crisis will cause resentment. The frugal countries will criticise the poorer nations for failing to be productive. It's a recipe for ill feeling.
8. For what it's worth, I think there was a sweet spot with our membership many years ago. A time when it felt exciting & creative & free. But increasingly it has morphed into something else & no longer pretends with any conviction to be a democratic entity for everyone.
9. We're seeing this now with the horse trading between the EU & Poland/Hungary. Everything has a price in €.

We'll see it again over the FTA & into the New Year with the recovery funding.
10. I don't expect a collapse any time soon, but I think we're in a decade of change. For the moment Macron is playing to his crowd, but Le Pen is breathing down his neck. He's a survivor, but also impetuous & prone to error. He reminds me of Blair, star struck & a useful idiot.
11. They get sucked into the EU machine, believing it grants them great power, but in reality they are used. This video hasn't aged well:
12. You can see Blair mocking Farage, but listen & we realise the promise for the E. bloc countries being net contributors in a few yrs still hasn't come true 15 years later.

Broken promises litter the decades & we made the right decision to leave & in the nick of time.
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