Time for me to explain why I LOATHE @NoradSanta and the fuzzy myth (in anthropological sense) of its founding and how it is mobilized to peddle US the US Nuclear Doomsday Machine and military apparatus to kids.

1/n https://twitter.com/NoradSanta/status/1341888844178845700

First and foremost:

as history of @NoradSanta & contemporary USAF policy documents ( https://osf.io/2jcf9/ ) and my analysis of them make clear...

... @NoradSanta is propaganda aimed at increasing US mass & elite support for USAF nuclear & other missions. https://twitter.com/nuclearanthro/status/1083900958088646657

Before y’all yell at me about how great it is that kids can track Santa with @NoradSanta , 2 responses:

1) Let NOAA do it, less nuclear horror and propaganda

2) Trump was telling kids santa was fake so go yell at him instead. https://twitter.com/thedailybeast/status/1077375011600678912

experience of “nuclear deterrence” for kids has been heavy on trauma, fear, & insecurity.

Their future, like ours, is radically uncertain past flight times of our nuclear armed missiles.

It’s not lighthearted & cheeky when millions can die in hours.

dump @NoradSanta

When I think of @NORADCommand tracking imaginary things...

...isn’t Santa in a sleigh w/RCS of Empire State Building @NoradSanta...

...it’s NORAD’s multiple false alarms of Soviet attack in 1979-1980 including 1 Brzhenski almost woke Carter for.

6/7 (maybe)

On a related note, you can watch me discuss nuclear armed twitter accounts—particularly @US_Stratcom—since the resonances with @NoradSanta are obvious: https://twitter.com/nuclearanthro/status/1335037490525130752

more work & research needed as this resonates w/Green Reaper, exhibs in NV schools, etc.

If you laugh, learn from, think about, enjoy, use, pass on my research & work...

...then please enable it:

A nice Christmas moment!

As said, @NoradSanta is bad partly b/c
most kids’ experiences of Cold War & nuclear weapons has & will be traumatic/ bad.

In 1961, Michelle Rochon writes JFK worried that Soviet nuclear test fallout would kill Santa Claus.

3 days later the Soviets Detonated “Tsar Bomba”

Again, when I think of NORAD tracking imaginary things, it isn’t @NoradSanta that I think of first...

...it’s the multiple times in the 1980s when NORAD gave false alarms of incoming Soviet attack that produced US force responses:


You should drop everything...

...and go read @AthertonKD’s discussion of Christmas trees, nuclear war, my morbid “humor”, and the Dream of Nuclear Civil Defense. https://athertonkd.substack.com/p/christmasandgroundzero
Another reason to hate military & NATSEC articulations with Santa Claus (like @NoradSanta).

This shit costs money.

Some orgs (cough @US_Stratcom) need to shut the fuck & focus on their core missions.

No cheeky memes if your organization kills people seems a good start point. https://twitter.com/FOIANate/status/1342281254809591808

@noradsanta blocked me for convincingly arguing they’re evil propaganda.


can they do that? hinge on if official government account?

I don’t know!

But blocks call for a #FOIA of decisions & org & SOP in social media of this child-aimed propaganda.
Thanks to @Casillic it looks like DoD owns Norad Tracks Santa trademark...

...so now:

A) that suggests paths for #FOIAs including on how DoD sees Norad Santa as part of PR

B) Still surreal @noradsanta blocked me.

NASA should do a competing tracker next year. https://twitter.com/casillic/status/1343055948177416192
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