Latinos/hispanics are Supercitizens
They use their false designation of race masking their whiteness to double benefit as a majority society member and a minority. They have patent antiblack racist attitudes here& their origin countries often have these attitudes enshrined in law
Mexico practiced slavery against Africans just as well as the United States did and when it got rid of slavery it created a caste system that exists to this day. The south American countries affected genocides against the africans there. They come here and want equality tho.👀
This exists in nearly every latin american country, Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, you name it they had it. Not to mention the transatlantic slave trade BEGAN in Spain. They dont even try to hide their racism George Lopez and other hispanic/latino comedians OPENLY satirize their racism
When a majority member of society can benefit from the protections and benefits created for minority members, they are a supercitizen. White women are supercitizens, gay white men are supercitizens, gay white women are supercitizens
Examples of Supercitizens
Beto O’Rourke
Ted Cruz
Pete Buttegieg
Christina Perez
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