At some point we should talk about the fact that a ton of younger people who have progressive views on e.g. LGBT rights and racial justice have views akin to older Republicans on class issues. It's still acceptable among many people in this demographic to mock "burger flippers".
There's a ton of 20-something college-educated types who fully support e.g. Black Lives Matter and other progressive issues and still think that working a fast food or manual labor job past a certain age is a moral failing worthy of being made fun of.
The thing that's interesting is a lot of these people are not "economically conservative" in a conventional sense: I definitely know people my age who voted for Sanders and support e.g. MFA who think that people who work at fast food restaurants are losers.
But yeah, the fact it's still considered socially acceptable to mock service workers in... I mean, "liberal circles" isn't correct since these people aren't politically active but are socially conscious enough to support e.g. BLM/LGBT rights, but you know what I mean.
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