the way some people treat/portray george like a helpless baby to fulfill their disgusting heteronormative mlm fetish is disgusting and i think we should talk about it. /srs
i must preface, i am not mlm. i am wlw, but im still extremely uncomfortable seeing this shit so normalized on my twitter tl. gay people arent objects. we are real fucking people, who are intricate and more than just a "bottom or top".
i will also preemptively respond to anyone who says "but george is okay with shipping/sexualization🥺" this isnt about JUST HIM. this is about an entire community that includes millions of people. AS FAR AS WE ARE CONSIDERED, GEORGE IS STRAIGHT. dont try and silence actual -
gay people.
now let's talk about how george is commonly portrayed.

ppl often portray george as naive and helpless, soft and stupid, easy to manipulate. this is preying off of the idea that there is a "woman" in an mlm relationship. its inherently homophobic and fetishistic. it shows how -
they view ACTUAL gay men.
you are not an ally for proclaiming how much you want to see your 'uwu baby boy' get railed by his 'stong, buff big man' best friend. you're actually just forcing mlm into a box and using them for your own sexual pleasure.
MLM ARE MORE THAN JUST SEX! mlm have families and jobs and goals they want to accomplish. some are asexual, some arent ready for sexual advances yet, some are LITERAL CHILDREN. mlm are not one dimensional. they have all the intricacies of any other human being.
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