I still don't think the English have come to terms with the magnitude of Brexit.
They seem to think Brexit is an inconvenience but that all their attachments are pretty secure. But they're not.
Parliament without ever thinking of the consequences. For the Tories it was that lump of geriatric racism whose votes they depended on.
And Labour was on their own spiral of failure. Why can't Labour get elected? They haven't figured it out yet, and they're terrified of the crude nationalism of their own voters.
We've got two political parties crippled with vain and weak leadership that doesn't have the guts to confront the country with facts.
The media doesn't confront anything because they either don't know or they find it uncomfortable to mention it. As terrified of their viewers as politicians are of the voters
And what the English still can't grasp is why their country has failed. And this - this that we're looking at - this is a failed country.
You see, there's no opposition to the mess you're making of your country because all of your national institutions have failed.
Your parliament has failed because the 650 people paid to take responsibility don't want it.
Your media has failed because they can't bear to be the ones to tell people they made a mistake.
Your political parties have failed because they've become dependant on racists.
Even the monarchy has failed. I mean, what's the point of it if it can't even voice itself at the point of a national disaster?
Every institution in this country has failed
The reason you have these institutions is so that the country doesn't just destroy itself on a whim.
But that's exactly what we've done. The referendum was a whim
See, this country was held together by make belief all along, and once the English stopped believing in it, then it failed.
Ay the point of destroying itself, when the English needed those institutions to stop it, they were not there.
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