Unconditional love is close to impossible in this generation, also the same thing creating fear & making people avoid relationships.

It's always about that extra thing you can provide asides love, that extra thing that satisfies their greed or they look for another person.
The closest you can come to unconditional love is your parents, siblings.. Every stranger outside your life always want something, and to come across a stranger that wants nothing is a lifetime achievement feat.
They compromise only when life goes harsh & time isn't on their side, now they want things they took for granted when young cuz time isn't friendly anymore, they settle for anything just to fulfill all righteousness & satisfy society and not bcos they feel something real for you.
Boy wants an attractive lady, infatuated by appearance & not necessarily cuz he's in love, babe wants the guy in return cuz he spends... When age worns out the babe beauty, guy begin to look out, when guy goes broke, babe begins to seek another big spender.. it's always the greed
Unconditional love died with the older generation, they were the last straw that felt it and if you're lucky enough to come across a partner that never swayed from good values installed in them by parents, hopefully you will come across Unconditional love but this is a 1/1000
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