5 most valuable skills to learn in 2021

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Futuristic thinking is the ability to predict events and trends & how they might impact your industry and professional development.

Build your understanding of what futurist thinking is, how to collect and analyze signals of change.

Even if you're not in a managerial role, developing leadership skills has never been more important

Push past your comfort zone to take on new roles that will expand your experience

The ability to recognize, understand and manage not just your own emotions, but also those of others is a crucial skill.

Strong emotional intelligence skills allow us to understand and interact with our feelings in a way that helps us build better.
4. INTERPERSONAL Communication

Keep in mind that this skill isn't just about what you say or type to one another, but it's also about active listening and being attuned to feelings.

knowing how to speak clearly & interact with others is key to maintaining strong relationships.

Those with cognitive flexibility skills are energized by change and adapt quickly and readily to the unknown.

They enjoy experimenting with new things and are able to consider multiple concepts simultaneously.
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