Today while driving I decided to listen to whatever the masses are digesting from AM radio. First I heard Rush Limbaugh going on about the indescribable torture we would suffer if the two senate races in GA went to the Dems. Much gnashing of teeth. 1/
I could see that if this was all you listened to and you had no exposure to any other information, you would eventually be driven to violence. After than I switched to a show hosted by Al Sharpton. His guest & all callers were also Black & referred to each other as brothers. 2/
I add that tidbit so I don't get any white fucks demanding I explain how I knew they were Black. Anyhow, his guest was trying to explain about disinformation and the importance of checking veracity of what you see on Facebook etc. 3/
His callers were chock full of conspiracy theories...microchips in vaccines, and a new one that Microsoft has a patent # 060606 which is a microchip that tracks people's bodies and pays them in bitcoin. The guest tried to straighten the guy out but he'd have none of it. 4/
So today I heard both right & left AM radio, and disinformation was broadcast in both, one was priming listeners for anger and fear, the other was trying to talk people out of baseless fears. 🤷 5/5
To clarify: on the right, the host was the source of disinformation; on the left, the callers were the source.
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