In March of this year, I knew little about SEO

Now my website is getting hundreds of visitors every month

Here is what I have learned so far

You can't improve what you don't measure

Hook up your website to the Google Search Console and Google Analytics

This will help you identify any issues and measure your progress
Tune your pages and content

Once you have selected your target keywords, you will need to tune your website for those keywords

This isn't keyword stuffing, its tuning your pages and content to the target keywords

If you are using WordPress, Yoast and Rank Math can help
You will most likely need better content

You don't need thousands of pages to rank.

Think depth and quality over quantity. A 500-word blog post won't cut it.

Create content that has great readability, is linkable, and has the right amount of keyword occurrences
Get backlinks

This is probably the hardest part. You need lots of backlinks but they have to be natural and not spammy

Again, it's quality over quantity. One great backlink from a reputable website is better than 1000 spammy links

I use HARO for this
Create a Google My Business profile

I get a decent amount of traffic through my GMB profile

Create one for your company and fill out as much information as possible.

Start gathering reviews
Lastly, keep improving and gathering backlinks

This work is never done. Keep tuning your website, your pages, and gaining backlinks

I do this by keeping an eye out for guest blogging opportunities and HARO submissions
You can follow @natmiletic.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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