Just closing out our Project Tool Belt program (the extension of project room key here) to get chronically homeless folks into permanent housing and I am beyond elated to say that of 57 high-barrier, chronically homeless folks, we housed 17. 1/x
I recognize that to some, that doesnt seem like a lot. 30% of the clients in a program getting permanent housing might seem low to the layperson. Given the intense challenge of housing folks in the current environment and given their multi-directional and layered challenges.. 2/x
its not more than I hoped for but its higher than I anticipated. Our temporary staff on this project (our contract was essentially a 4-5 month terminal deal) faced a ton of uphill challenges, had to hit the ground running, and do it all in the face of COVID. 3/x
I am beyond elated that those 17 individuals were permanently housed. Our team did great. We are hopeful that the other 40 will have the same outcome eventually w/ the service provider that is picking up these cases (they arent just being left out to dry). 4/x
This opportunity wouldn't have come to these folks except for the response to COVID, so I am thankful we were trusted to play a small role in this county-wide program, and extremely thankful those folks will have a home of their own this holiday season. 5/5 #PathwaysPassion
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