Yesterday, Ripple counsel @s_alderoty entreated us to look for Ripple's attorneys. He mentioned 2:
•Michael Kellogg of Kellogg, Hansen, Todd, Figel & Frederick. (Gorsuch is alumnus). Kellogg has argued in Supreme court 14x. Experienced in appellate cases.
•This guy..
To clarify - Ceresney doesn't work for the SEC any longer but he did from 2013-2017 which covers much of the SEC's complaint against Ripple. Kellogg was described as a "super lawyer" by one attorney ranking site. These are people who know what they are doing.
One last note about Ceresney -
Mary Jo White, former head of the SEC and Clayton's predecessor, works with Ceresney on securities at the same firm, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP. (thanks 65Fastback via XRPChat)
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