As it’s Xmas and I’m watching Disney films on a constant loop@with my daughter ... Anaesthesia and ICU: a @disney thread #medtwitter - how I feel when I tidy up after myself in the anaesthetic room
Real footage: Surgeon looking through the AR window
Being viva’d by the boss for the 6th straight hour in the Na+/K+ pump
Returning to theatre after seeing a patient on the ward
No caffeine in the staff room
Real footage of the oncall anaesthetist when bleeped at 0300 for a cannula
Feeling when you tell the ward doctor you’ve cannulated the ‘impossible’ patient
When you arrive at the crash call for airway assistance
When your colleague spots you in a packed theatre tucked away behind the blood brain barrier
ICU consultant arrives for the handover round
The junior at ICU handover round, as the day consultant tears you apart for the plan you’d enacted for the night consultant
When the old school surgeon starts reminiscing about the good ol days, working 28hours a day, shagging every scrub nurse they could find, and replacing the wrong hip and being thanked for it
How you announce yourself when you’ve arrived to relieve someone for a break
When your mentor seeings you after finally getting the FRCA
Surgeon waiting for ICU board round to finish before knowing if they’ve been allocated an ICU bed
When you arrive in the AR and it’s your favourite anaesthetist / ODP
When the plastic surgeons put the one GA case first on the afternoon list
Trying to figure out where the midline is for a bariatric spinal
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