Although I don't disagree with you but something that seems very odd to me is your colleague @Xadeejournalist who I have been studying for a while.

You will notice Mr. @Xadeejournalist often RTing accounts that come out of blue & have tweets pertaining to specific agenda

Mr. @Xadeejournalist probably too has his own network who he endorses/boosts via Retweets and push a narrative.

A couple of accounts that were noticed.

of course they all belong to same person @SumoRizvi who Mr. Zaidi follows and these accounts push anti army narrative.

But this is not all. Do you see this person makes account in the name of famous people to gain followers such as Anwar Maqsood and Umer Shareef.

Perfectly Okay! but here's something that caught my eye Mr. @ZarrarKhuhro

He quoted fake account of Gen Nasir.

What happens next is interesting.

The account changed it's name to Gen Asad Durrani.

Apparently the guy is making multiple accounts again on name of famous people with same phone number and is endorsed by Mr. @Xadeejournalist.
Here you can see Justice Shaukat account with the face of Gen Nasir Janjua.

It is no secret that India is making a narrative against Pakistan through info warefare, however it is expected between enemies.

However it worries me more to think on what if our own people like @Xadeejournalist are running a parallel factory of pushing narrative through a specific network to defame Pakistan Army.

If none of it is true and was merely a co incidence, Mr. @Xadeejournalist should clarify.
just a bummer
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