THREAD: on FGM and how you can help
FGM is a procedure that removes a part of the external female genitalia. Contrary to other claims this gruesome practice does not have any medical benefits. It is typically practiced in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East and an estimated 200 million women and girls have been cut.
It's a practice associated with femininity and the idea that after removing parts of female genitalia which are considered “unclean” the girl can maintain her modesty. It is oftentimes considered a prerequisite for marriage.
Females who have undergone FGM often experience severe bleeding, problems urinating, infections, and complications during childbirth.
It is December and due to school closures and COVID, more girls are at risk of being subjected to this practice. Here's how you can donate/ get informed/ spread awareness.
The Beyond FGM project works in Kenya to educate young girls on the harms of FGM, their educational rights and encourages communities to put an end to FGM. They are currently accepting donations to expand their reach to 200 girls, and birth attenders (who sometimes perform FGM)
Dignity 4 Girls focuses on FGM and period poverty. They provide young girls with basic hygiene items. They also allow girls to attend trade school and learn business school in their “Kenyan Sewing Enterprise” program.
They set up camps to educate young girls on FGM remove girls from their communities during “cutting season” to keep them safe. Due to COVID, their 2020 team was canceled but they plan to resume during 2021. They are currently accepting donations.
I'm not an expert on FGM and I do not live in the places that typically practice it. This is what I've gathered from basic research and decided to share because I care about young girls and women.
Feel free to add any other resources :))
Although FGM is mostly practiced in countries outside of the west. It still happens in the US.
The AHA Foundation is a nonprofit organization that’s taking steps to fight against FGM and other acts of violence against women and girls in the US.
Along with FGM advocacy, they focus on child marriages and other traditional forms of oppression in the US and other countries.
You can make a one time donation or become a monthly donor to help them.
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