"You don't have ADHD unless you showed symptoms as a child".
1. Most girls only start showing symptoms at puberty.
2. Parental support can mean ADHD is unintentionally managed
3. Kids who aren't middle class or white are interpreted as "naughty" so symptoms aren't documented.
4. Parents and teachers are not trained in spotting what ADHD can look like
5. Hallmark symptoms like daydreaming, sensitivity, and hyperfocus are rarely noticed by adults as ADHD
6. Parental pressure means some children will force themselves to "behave" regardless of ADHD
And most importantly 5. ADHD isn't some secret society you need the password to be part of! Stop gatekeeping and start sharing experiences so people can identify whether or not they DID actually have symptoms as children.
When my doctor asked me if I had symptoms as a child, I said no. Later, I remembered my Mum always checking three times I had everything before I left anywhere, my parents trying to comfort a distraught me after any sad kids show, and hours spent daydreaming in the land of books.
I have and had SO many "markers" of ADHD that I know about from learning more about ADHD from experts and other ADHDers...very few of those markers come up in a 101 google search. The more we talk, the more we know, and the more others can figure out if they need to get support.
You can follow @AdhdAngsty.
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