January was welcomed in in the lake district walking & mountain biking with @GeoffCrowther1 @chrissiepebbles & @bpackingbongos i also managed to trap my thumb in my van door 😭
February and I was invited to join @bpackingbongos & Corrina to @simon__yates My Mountain life talk in Nottingham, which was superb & also the last time I visited a busy pub in 'normal' times.
March was dog sitting time & the start of lockdown & the grand opening of twonkywood studios 😁
April brought plenty of characters to twonkywood studios & plenty of local lockdown walks.
May was more lockdown walking but with added lockdown cycling to try and keep sane *ish
June was more lockdown walks & cycling but I also started a new sport, field archery with a new bow 😁
July brought freedom!!!! A two night wild camp with @GeoffCrowther1 & a short fitness test backpack with @chrissiepebbles interspersed with more cycling and archery *not at the same time 😂
August is normally a quiet month for me & this was no exception, cycling, archery & a birthday was about it for August 🙄
September was jam packed with epic adventures, along with the usual cycling & archery i also had a two night backpack in the Peak District with @GeoffCrowther1 before meeting up with Geoff & @chrissiepebbles in Northumberland for a cracking week of walking & cycling 😀
October saw me cycle the furthest i have ever managed on my mtb in a day, 50 miles with only a couple of them on the road, I also had two stints of local cycling, first with @chrissiepebbles & then with @GeoffCrowther1
November came along & brought the gift of LOCKDOWN 2 😭, so the archery club had to close, all that was left to do was to ride my bicycle.
And so we have reached December, LOCKDOWN has ended *for now, so it was back to archery but with the weather being wet wet wet I took up running instead of getting filthy on the bike. Also had an unexpected walk in the dark dark peak.
Happy holidays everyone 👍
Enjoy & have fun.
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