Sigh. That’s not how this works- let’s take a walk down memory lane shall we? I got some spare time today since our agency closed early:

This whole statement is a hot spoiled 🥀 breaux lie and doesn’t even make sense (so it’s not even a good lie) 🧵
June 2020: Senator Harris is still “Senating” and advocating for $2,000 payment publicly and the Senate
July 2020 : yup! Still “Senating” and advocating for the $2,000
August 11th 2020 (now known as MVP Day) . Biden makes the best decision of his recent political life and announces Harris will join him on the ticket (finally the base will be seen...I digress)
*Interlude for basic Civics lesson*
As that painful scene in the movie “Game Change” showed us- there is NO campaign for Vice President or a separate “Vice President” candidate platform. The VP nom supports the TICKET platform*
Like I was saying: August, September, October, November ( the session is officially called and the new Congress is sworn in on January 3rd 2021) Senator Harris remains SPONSOR of that bill that was read twice and referred to the Finance Committee...
To be clear: like her name is STILL on that shit.. for $2,000...over 3 months and retro’d in March. So each time Vermont Jesus stumps for S.3784 - Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act a a COSPONSOR-thats ALL OF EM ON THAT BILL (You’re welcome)
So clearly we can see Chad’s and the other 🥀 attempts to once again minimize Black women and a whole ass Senator Harris (now MVP- Elect Kamala Harris) just don’t hold up to the facts in the timelines, 🧾, and the Googles.
Because if by some miracle, S. 3784 made it out of committee, onto the Senate floor and was passed TODAY...Guess who would be recognized as the OG of that sh*t (officially official advocate) THE SPONSOR:
Thank you for attending my second installment of the “That’s Not How Shit Works”.

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