Let’s say you think that it’s “not healthy” to have very few teams be in the “championship contender” conversation throughout the season. OK, fine. But that’s CFB. Been part of the sport for decades. Why is that the CFP’s fault? And what’s expanding it going to do? #CFBPlayoff https://twitter.com/mrcfb/status/1341788268900343814
Expanding isn’t going to allow more teams to become championship contenders just because they’re in the Playoff. Teams that aren’t contenders are going to get beat - maybe with the occasional victory of a non-elite team. But we have to stop blaming this issue on the #CFBPlayoff .
Texas A&M (No. 5) got POUNDED by an elite Alabama team, 52-24. And we want more of this? I am a HUGE advocate of staying at four teams, but I especially don’t understand how the issue of #CFBPlayoff expansion can be brought up after a regular season like we’ve had this year. 🤷‍♂️
Don’t get the “overall health of the sport” narrative, @MrCFB. That’s just CFB. It’s been like this for decades. Other than the institution of the #CFBPlayoff , what’s changed?

Don’t get me wrong, Tony, I’m not hating on you or your article. But I just don’t get it.
People seem to forget that CFP was instituted because, in the BCS era, there were sometimes more than two championship contenders (2011 was the epitome of this).
The #CFBPlayoff allowed for the needed expansion to let other championship contenders that had done enough to have a chance to play for a championship that they could actually win.
And right now, as it sits in late December of 2020, there aren’t any true championship contenders being left out. So what’s the need for expansion? To play more meaningless games for the sole purpose of letting non-elite teams in the #CFBPlayoff ? I strongly advise against this.
Right here. Yes, College Football is currently dominated by a short list of programs. How is that the #CFBPlayoff ’s fault? People are quick to blame the CFP or the committee for the top-heavy nature of the sport we love. The fault does not lie within the CFP! https://twitter.com/MrCFB/status/1341790784681598981
This is just the nature of the great sport of CFB. Don’t like seeing a “top-heavy” game dominated by a short list of programs? Ok, understandable. Although, to an avid CFB aficionado such as myself, there’s so much more to the game than that. #CFBPlayoff
So what if CFB is ”top-heavy”?

Ultimately, non-elite teams aren’t just going to magically get better with an expansion of the #CFBPlayoff . They’re just going to be in the Playoff, and that’s about it. You can’t change the true nature of College Football by expanding the Playoff.
Elite teams will still be elite, and will probably dominate.

Also, we know that the regular season would obviously be diminished with the expansion of the Playoff. In the past, two or three-loss teams (or even four-loss teams, as there have been) would have made the #CFBPlayoff .
And that’s usually not going to be OK. Maybe one day there will be a two-loss team deserving of a CFP bid (there almost was, had 2017 Auburn won the SEC Championship over UGA). But, for the most part, these teams would have blew too many opportunities to reach the #CFBPlayoff .
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