AMAB nonbinary people who still present masc, whether by choice, ease, or necessity, are still nonbinary. Nonbinary doesn't mean "Diet Femme." I can't believe people (other NBis included) still say we're "faking," "not real," "creepy," or "disgusting."
I'm an AMAB nonbinary person who presents masc because it's the easiest thing for me to do right now. I experience different kinds of dysphoria DAILY - I shaved all of my facial hair recently because I hated looking at my face. I get called "man" and "sir" and writhe in agony.
Two things infuriate me the most about claiming AMAB masc-presenting NBis aren't really NBi (beyond the erasure):
1. You CANNOT know someone's experience solely by their gender expression.
2. The people (especially other NBis) who hate us would NEVER say this to trans women.
Another thing: this isn't just gender policing (which is gross, don't do it); it's reductive. To be nonbinary is to LITERALLY (i.e. by definiton) be OUTSIDE the binary. Nonbinary is not a "third gender." Nonbinary is an umbrella that covers a multitude of gender expressions.
I would love to just "choose" to not feel dysphoric and have a concrete understanding of my gender identity, but that's not how the world works. Gatekeeping AMAB masc NBis from queerness is a great way to both lose our trust and make us hate ourselves more than we might already.
If you, a queer person, welcome in someone who is beginning to explore their gender identity and in the same breath tell an AMAB masc NBi person that they're not "really" queer, you need to think long and hard about what that's about. I am absolutely sick of this attitude.
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