Your favorite astrologers may be using different systems of astrology. Astrology is a vast field of study & can be used in a myriad of ways. And that's wonderful!

What's tricky is when u try to smoosh up different systems without understanding each of them individually.
It's not a question of better/worse, it's a question of systems and choice.

Determine whats right for you, based on your nature & the way you intend to use astrology. Just don't do yourself (or the craft!) the disservice of imagining that you can bypass foundational learning

There are as many opinions about astrology as there are astrologers, and that's exciting! It's a life long course of study. Just be weary of any astrologer that throw disrespect on systems just because they're different.

We can disagree and not disrespect. It's easy!

I personally don't use whole sign houses for natal chart work & can give a 3+ hour talk on why, but that doesn't mean that I don't see the value in that system!

There are meaningful differences between that which is false, and that which is a different methodology.

Astrology is the study of time!

As tempting as it can be to rush to the yummy stuff,astrology is a many layered system that requires much study.
As you study, it's important to have some structure & to know what system yr teachers use, especially when you're learning online.
If you're trying to use astrology for healing, or to help you make decisions, I encourage you to treat the craft with respect. Approach your studies and any birth chart that you look at with consideration and care!

I've dropped a couple episodes about ethics and astrology :

+ I address the ethical implications of how we use astrology in most episodes of my podcast.

Whatever system u use, whatever resonates with u now or later, there's no one size fits all in most anything in life.

Use common sense & care on ur astro path!
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