( can we get this to the top of the tag? - open thread )

Okay, so, #nsfwmcyttwt is trending. Yeah.

+ Is this a thing that (unfortunately) exists? Yes.

However, the tag is currently overrun by "antis" for lack of a better word who are trying to find any way they can to-
- attack Dream and any other creators involved (especially after him being proven that he didn't cheat on his speedrun). I just wanted to go over a few misconceptions and hopefully cease the bullying, at least a little bit?

"We like this side of twitter, and group -
- ourselves with them."

This isn't true at all. The Dream Team has said that they don't care about sexualization, so that's not the issue; the issue is this side of twitter sexualizing/shipping creators that are not comfortable with it.

None of us condone that.
// pedophilia ment

There are also a lot of claims that we sexualize minors. Absolutely not. That's... fucking horrifying.

And from someone that has checked in on the NSFW side a bit (never interacted, just looked at some accounts), the majority of THEM don't do that either.
I've seen a bunch of 'nsfw' accounts actively trying to get accounts that do that permbanned from the platform.

Of course, this doesn't make the rest of the things they do okay, it's just a lesser-of-two-evils situation here.

And to be honest, I'm not sure why-
-people who hate Dream are so adamant on, well... hating Dream and his community. An overwhelming majority of the 'stans' I've met on Twitter are the most wonderful, kindhearted people I've ever met in my life, and I've learned so much from them.
There are bad apples in every community -- but the issue is people blowing these select few way out of proportion and using it to make an entire community be looked down upon by others. The only people I have EVER seen people from this community going after are-
racists/homophobes/transphobes/etc, -- and honestly, this is the most accepting 'fandom' I've ever been in myself.

Also, you're free to have your own opinions, but the Dream Team has stated multiple times that they could literally not give less of a shit about shipping-
than they already do.

Aside from this, I know so many people who are neurodivergent and hyperfixated on MCYT as a whole right now, and shitting on their interests (and grouping them with people who they despise) can be extremely hurtful to their mental state.
In conclusion, though,

please don't make a fanbase look bad and perpetuate a negative image of the entire community because you have an issue with kids enjoying things that make them happy.

Thank you.
** And while you're here,

#1: please consider following me! i do make bangers sometimes lulw

#2: MORE IMPORTANTLY: spread info about the philippines!! the people there are dealing with so many issues right now and they need your help desperately.
You can follow @candyhorns_.
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