They are sell outs...literally. Think I'm off kilter? Read this excerpt out loud:

"a Black pastor who left the SBC earlier this year citing several issues including Southern Baptist support for Trump, said the denomination asked for the funds it had donated to be returned &
his church had to refinance its building loan, which had been provided by the Southern Baptists “There are folks who would leave in a heartbeat, but to leave would have very real [financial] consequences for people who are on their staffs.”"

I need you to get what you just read.
There are black preachers taking money 2 join white a supremacist organization that programs black people 2 worship white Jesus just so they can have a nice lifestyle. U can't make this shit up. Religion will be the death of black people as it makes us vulnerable to oppression.
Religion, for black people, as practiced on America soil, is nothing more than franchising white supremacy and black preachers are often the shepherds leading black lambs to the slaughter. Herein lies the reason why Nat Turner's slave rebellion was doomed from the beginning.
He never got rid of the true source of his bondage: religion. He was praying to white Jesus to deliver him from white oppression. That shit makes about as much sense as Florida Evans praying to that white Jesus portrait on her kitchen wall to deliver her family from the projects.
"Good Times" was a brutal metaphor for never ending black suffering. Many black preachers have knowingly & unknowingly been complicit in this ruse. If black people are 2 hv any semblance of freedom on American soil, they will need 2 fast rid themselves of their impotent religion.
This means crucifying White Jesus once & 4 all & slapping the shit out of black preachers who try 2 keep black people in religious bondage as a means of lining their pockets. Naw nigga, U got 2 get out here a get a job like 'eerybody else. No mo "going into full time ministry" &
using black people 2 finance your familys lifestyle. No mo pulling up 2 dat nice cushy front spot at da church in your chariot Benz, flashy suits & big ass rings. Dem days is over. Fuck U & 1st lady & 2 hell w/ yall bad ass fake churchy kids. No more Eddie Longs & Creflo Dollars.
Dis pandemic is exposing the fraud of religion & it's impact on black people. Take it from a black preacher who knows the game inside out. Hear me single black women. You constitute more than 85% of church membership. Single black women tithe more than married black women.
Real talk. No black man worth his salt & married to a black woman will ever allow large sums of money to flow from his household to the pockets of any other nigga, especially a church nigga. Meanwhile the church nigga, aka the black pastor, is spitting a different game.
He's telling his black women parishioners that no real black man is going to stop you from tithing & how U know he's a "real man of God" is willingness to "put God 1st" w/his money. DON'T FALL FOR THIS BULLSHIT. I know black families right now going through divorce in this...
pandemic b/c the husband & wife have fallen out over tithing to the church when both of them have lost their jobs as a result of this pandemic. So black wives are hearing "fuck no, we ain't tithing shit" at home, but at church their hearing "will a man rob God?"
Without flinch and with full force, allow me to answer dat question emphatically, intellectually, theologically & ghetto fabulously simultaneously. "FUCK YEAH, A NIGGA WILL ROB GOD." In fact, a nigga should rob God, especially when that God is the father of White Jesus.
Hear me black women: don't let a church or better yet some black preacher cost U your marriage or better yet, don't let either prevent you from joining forces with a black man or cause you to travel life's perilous journey ALONE. No real nigga is going for dat shit.
This is why I have often made the argument that the black church has a vested financial interest in keeping black women single....again, because single women tithe more than married women. The minute a black women gets married to a black man, if he's a real nigga, he will
immediately take survey of his household's finances & stop all frivolous expenditures, especially during this pandemic. Hold up. Pause. Black feminists should exit the room asap. This conversation ain't for you. Your white women allies are waiting for you in the parlor next door.
Snapback. When a black man is married 2 a churchgoing black woman, theres often a power struggle between the black man that occupies her marriage bed & the black man that occupies both the pulpit of her church & her mind. A husband-pastoral power struggle ensues & both compete 4
her affections. The husband may think he's arguing with ideas native to his wife, but really he's talking to the pastoral ventriloquist's dummy masquerading as his wife. Another man has gained a foothold in his household. Game must peep game in order for the marriage to survive.
I told my wife when we got married decades ago, "aint no other nigga's words eva gone reign mo supreme in my house." EVA. Likewise I promised dat no other womans words would trump hers, unless of course Oprah, Gayle & Iyanla finally get down 4 that crisco-oiled 4-way. Wait, what?
Seriously, my only point is that this country was founded on breaking up black families & religion has been a main source of our collective oppression. In order for us to rebuild what white people tore apart, we must extract a major source of that oppression which is religion.
This is not to discard the historical impact of black religiosity on the Great Freedom Struggle (aka "the civil rights movement"), but it is to say that is also the reason we don't have more to show 4 our fight. Put simply, in order to gain our freedom, we must lose our religion.
Or better yet, we must lose White Jesus & reclaim Black Jesus. I will have more to say about this later, but as a primer, riddle me this: which Jesus is important to you? The White Jesus of the bible that teaches you to love, kneejerk forgive & turn the other cheek OR...
the black Jesus of history who was a poor black man from a Nazarethan ghetto who lived his life in protest against government & was ultimately executed by state sponsored violence. If you choose the former, you choose bondage, but if you dare to choose the latter, you choose..
transformation & a different future of possibilities. We must become atheists 2 white Jesus or face another 400+ years of oppression. Meanwhile I'll be sitting in front of da fireplace 2morrow night w/a shotgun waiting 4 dis fat white jolly mafucka 2 slide down & steal my cookies
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