My grandpa had 4 sisters and three brothers. Christmases were a blast. We’d go to my uncle Andy’s house and the brothers would set up a model train running all through the house. Us kids could only watch. It was funny though watching them plot the course and get drunk
Then when the trains finally ran us cousins would all chase behind it through the house and put our GI joes and barbies on cars. I also remember tables full of wonderful Polish food and pastries. Laughter and conversation in English and polish. We were very fortunate.
You didn’t dare not go because if you didn’t after everyone was lit the entire party would caravan to your house and start up there. Happened to us one year. Mom turned off the lights and had us all duck down.
They’re all telling “we know you’re in there” grandpa found the back door unlocked and barged in and the party was on! 🤣🤣. The ladies all bearing the food. Cousins telling us where the train ran earlier at Andy’s. It was the best.
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