#Trump - The Worst President In History.

His Legacy by the numbers ... A Thread.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


1.6 million : Americans with no Health Insurance. This decreased rapidly under #Obama, increased steadily under #Trump.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


0 : Comprehensive Health Care Overhaul Plans that Trump has delivered despite repeated promises to replace the Obama-era Affordable Care Act with a plan that would cover everyone at a lower cost.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


322,000 : #COVID19 deaths (and rising), including unknown number directly or indirectly due to the Trump Administration's handling of the Pandemic, including his suggestions to drink bleach.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


230 : Republican Judges appointed, all levels. The majority appointed due to their political ideology rather than (or at least, as well as) their legal experience. A record for a single administration.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


13 : Federal Executions. A record for a single administration.

In the meantime, in the last 4 years 7 persons facing execution set free after case against them is found to be invalid.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


43 : Presidential Pardons, and 21 Commuted Sentences : Initially due to various reasons but increasingly due to the convicted and commuted being donors, friends or allies of #Trump.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


13 : Presidential Staff members in Jail. A record for a single administration.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


$27 Trillion : US Debt. Highest in history, rising rapidly before the #COVID19 virus affected it.

First time since WWII Debt has been larger than Economy itself.

A record for a single administration.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


$3.1 Trillion : Budget Deficit, the largest in U.S. history. Trump had pledged during the 2016 campaign to eliminate the gap between federal spending and revenue. A record for a single administration.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


$118 Billion : Tax Cuts given to the uber-rich, including $1.2 Billion to himself & $4 Billion to his family. The next richest 3.5% received smaller Cuts. Most Americans received little or none at all.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


255% - The rise in identified and documented Right Wing, White Power, White Supremacy and Neo Nazi Hate Groups under Trump.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


55 : The number of accusations of sexual assault and rape that have emerged since he began his campaign in 2015, including the original 12 accusers, and including an alleged rape of a 13 year old.

0 : Full Federal Tax Returns documents released to the media for scrutiny.

In 2019, A judge ordered Trump to hand over 8 years worth of documentation.

So far only partial releases have occurred, and we found out why he's been hiding them.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


0 : Number of Charities Trump and his family are allowed to run or take board positions with, after being found guilty of Fraud, including diverting children's cancer money to his own businesses.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


17 : The number of times the 'devoted Christian" #Trump has been seen to go to Church in 4 years.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


117 : Contacts between Trump's Presidential Campaign and Russian operatives.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


3650 : Estimated number of cheeseburgers delivered to or cooked by the White House. Numerous sources including the White House itself have stated that it is Trump's daily, core diet.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


$410 Million : Trump's personal & corporate debt, excess of assets.

Loans Source is unknown, mostly dates to 2014, the year when son Eric told journalist his father "gets all his funding from Russia".
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


450 : Miles of 'Border Wall' built.

Or more correctly, upgraded or renovated.

Actually built new : 27 miles, of 1954 miles.

A project that Trump said would start on 'Day One' only begun this year.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


$0 : The amount Mexico has paid for the 'Wall'.
Hey !! We've reached 20, and I'm only half-way through ...
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


82 : Trump rollbacks on Environmental & Public Health Legislation.

Has allowed businesses & industries to return to polluting practices made illegal by Obama.

A record for a single administration.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


203 : Days the Pentagon operated without an actual Defence Secretary, the longest stretch in the history of the office.
#Trump - The Worst President In History : His Legacy by the numbers ...


6: Different Secretaries of Defence. A record for a single administration.
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