The unconvincing analysis from your Ontario #COVID19 Science Table; a quick thread…
Michigan has been used as a reference point by the Science Table since October 9th….
And again, in the October 29th update…
(case growth not yet worrisome)
Fast forward to the November 26th modelling update. Michigan was out of control, and was used to illustrate the potential for Ontario to have 6000+ cases by December…
Again, on December 10th, Michigan still a key example showing Ontario could also have large case growth…
Now last week, in the December 19th update, where “hard-lockdown” was argued, Michigan is downplayed in the analysis…
….in favour of the “hard-lockdown” examples in Europe...
Why? Well… I would guess its because Michigan’s case growth and positivity has been flat and declining for some time now….
...despite the US election, US Thanksgiving, and much more lax societal/economic restrictions…
(gyms, outdoor dining, etc. open)
In fact, our neighbours, the entire US Midwest (MI, WI, IN, IL, OH), have been peaking…
But somehow the Science Table still thinks we’re going to be more like Europe, and that we need to hard-lockdown just like them….
Is this epidemiology ??

End Thread.
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